MaxiMarin significantly increases the yield of melons, pumpkins, melons, zucchini.

Watermelons and melons are considered heat-loving crops that can tolerate heat and drought well due to their powerful root system.
And this is true, but only in relation to a developed healthy plant. In order for each seed to germinate and the plant to take root during the growing season, it needs help.
The use of MaxiMarin granules will help to provide the required amount of moisture.
If the planting area is not treated completely, the granules are applied under each seed.
At manual sowing in each landing are brought 2 - 2,5 g of MaxiMarin granules, dry granules or, in the absence of watering - the appropriate amount in the form of swollen granules, then the seeds are putted, covered with soil and lightly compacted.
In mechanized sowing, the drug is applied by seeders equipped with fertilizer cans or other dosing devices simultaneously with the seeds.
There is another way when planting seedlings.
At the initial stage, MaxiMarin granules are used for seed germination in greenhouses and hothouses, when sown by hand in rows, the granules are poured by hand at the rate of 0.2 - 0.4 g for each seed and abundantly watered.
After the seedlings reach the required stage, the plant is removed from the soil, the root system is immersed in MaxiMarin gel to envelop the root system of plants, which prevents the roots from drying out and allows achieving 99% survival.
The gel envelops the roots, adheres tightly to them, providing the initial supply of moisture necessary for plant development.