MaxiMarin significantly increases the productivity of peas

The specificity of pea nutrition, as well as other legumes, caused by their biological characteristics: a relatively short growing season, underdeveloped root system and aboveground mass, which requires a sufficient content of digestible forms of nutrients in the soil.
The use of MaxiMarin technology contributes to the high intensity of development and sustainable productivity of plants, a significant improvement in their marketable quality.
MaxiMarin is issued in various forms: gel, tablet and granules for convenience of entering by any methods of landing.
At the initial stage of planting peas granules MaxiMarin are used for seed germination in greenhouses and hothouses, when manually sowing in rows the granules are poured by hand at the rate of 0.2 - 0.4 g for each seed and abundantly watered.
After the seedlings reach the desired stage, the plant is removed from the soil, the root system is immersed in MaxiMarin gel to envelop the root system of plants, which prevents the roots from drying out and allows achieving 99% survival.
The gel envelops the roots, adheres tightly to them, providing the initial supply of moisture which is necessary for plant development.
Expense: 1 liter of gel - 200-300 pcs of seedlings.
MaxiMarin absorbents contain moisture-retaining components, trace elements Potassium, Phosphorus and Nitrogen. Promoting efficiency in the soil for 10 years (with a single application), saves 40% of fertilizers, improves soil aeration and drainage, moisture absorption even in light rain, fog and dew.